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Kundali Matching For Marriage

by Pravin Malhotra, 20 October 2014

Kundali Matching

For thousands of years, Hindus have relied upon Kundali matching learned from Vedic astrology when it comes to making life's most important decisions, including the selection of their life partner. By using Vedic astrology to predict future events, the individual can make informed or wise decisions today, which may help them circumvent disaster tomorrow.

It is believed that a good Vedic astrologer can predict how all aspects of our lives, including our health, relationships, and careers, will be played out. In this article, we will focus on how Vedic astrology can assist us in selecting the right life partner. Before learning how Vedic matchmaking works, it is valuable to learn history.

Horoscope Matching - A History

The history of Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish or Jyoti, is controversial and overly complicated. While it is estimated that Vedic culture is at least 5000 years old, it was not until approximately 1500 BC that scriptures known as the Vedas were compiled into written form (Sanskrit) by Vyasa Krishna Dwaipayana. Previously, the Vedas were passed down orally from one generation to the next.

It is believed that the Vedas were not of human origin but instead are hymns taught by God to the Rishi. Today, the Rishi are referred to as sages or saints. When Vyasa compiled the Vedas, he broke them down into four different parts - Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda. Supplementing the Vedas is the Vedangas, which literally means limbs of the Veda. The Vedangas consist of six subjects - Siksa (Phonetics), Chandas (Meter), Kalpa (Ritual), Vyakaran (Grammar), Nirukta (Etymology), and Jyoti (Astrology).

Vyasa was the son of Rishi Parashara, one of the most revered sages and teachers of Vedic astrology. Rishi Parashara is credited as the author of Brhat Parasara Horasastra (Brihat Parasara Hora or BPHS), which is considered the basis of Vedic Astrology. According to the teachings of Rishi Parashara, our life is entirely dependent on the various positions of planets at the time of our birth.

In ancient times, when a child was born, their guardian noted down the time and date of birth and based on those details, the child's Janam Kundali was created. From the beginning of the child's life, their guardian took numerous precautions to avoid any future mishaps predicted in the child's Janam Kundli or birth chart compatibility. It is said that when Prince Siddhartha was born, it was predicted that he would become either an emperor or a great spiritual leader. As we know, Prince Siddhartha went on to become the supreme Buddha.

Kundali Rishi


Janam Kundali Matching for Marriage

Before marriage, the Janam Kundali of the bride and groom are tested for compatibility. This matching process is called Gun Milan and is broken down into eight individual tests. Each test generates a certain number of Gunas (points), which are added together to provide an overall score.

It is believed that if the number of Gunas is below 18, then the couple is incompatible. If the number of Gunas is between 18-24, then the match is average but acceptable. If the number is between 25-32, then the match is very good, while scores above 32 indicate that the bride and groom are identical.

Although couples with kundali matching scores over 32 appear to be a perfect match, other factors must also be checked to ensure that the relationship will last as being identical is not always a good thing.

Janam Kundali Chart

Example Kundali Charts

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Varna

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 1 Gunas

Varna matching reflects the necessary skills, abilities, and personality of the person. These are broken down into four classes:

• Brahmins or Priests - Karka (Cancer), Vrishchika (Scorpio) and Meena (Pisces)

• Kshatriyas or Warriors - Mesha (Aries), Simha (Leo) and Dhanu (Sagittarius)

• Vaishyas or Merchants - Vrishabha (Taurus), Kanya (Virgo) and Makara (Capricorn)

• Shudras or Laborers - Mithuna (Gemini), Tula (Libra) and Kumbha (Aquarius)

The classes above are listed by their ranking from highest to lowest, with Brahmin having the highest ranking. For points to be awarded, the Varna of the groom must be higher than that of the bride. For example, if the groom is Kshatriyas and the bride is Vaishyas, then 1 point will be awarded.

It is believed that if Varna does not match, there may be conflict within the family.

Varna Chart

Varna Kundali Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Vasya

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 2 Gunas

Historically, Vasya matching was used to determine whether a husband would influence his wife, but in modern times this test has been re-evaluated. Instead, we now consider Vasya to test whether there will be a dedicated and compatible relationship between two people.

The signs of zodiac are broken up into 5 groups:

• Manava or Human - Mithuna (Gemini), Kanya (Virgo), Tula (Libra), the first 15 degrees of Dhanu (Sagittarius), Kumbha (Aquarius).

• Vanachara or Wild – Simha (Leo).

• Chatushpada or Quadruped – Mesha (Aries), Vrishabha (Taurus), the second 15 degrees of Dhanu (Sagittarius), the first 15 degrees of Makara (Capricorn).

• Jalachara or Water – Karka (Cancer), Meena (Pisces), the second 15 degrees of Makara (Capricorn).

• Keeta or Insect – Vrishchika (Scorpio).

There are 4 rules to the Vasya test:

• Chatushpada, Manava, and Jalachara groups are Vasya to the Vanachara group.

• Chatushpada, Jalachara, and Keeta groups are Vasya to the Manava group.

• Jalachara signs are the food of the Manava signs.

• Chatushpada signs are the food of the Vanachara sign.

If both the bride and groom have the same group, both are Chatushpada, then Vasya is considered good, and 2 points are awarded.

If one person's group is Vasya to the other, for example, if the bride's group is Chatushpada and the groom's group is Manava, then 1 point is awarded.

If one person's group is food to the other, for example, the bride is Jalachara, and the groom is Manava, then 1/2 a point is awarded.

If neither the bride nor groom is Vasya to the other, no points are awarded.

Tara Chart

Vasya Kundali Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Tara

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 3 Gunas

Tara is used to calculate the bride and groom's health and well-being after marriage. This is achieved by comparing the birth stars (Tara) of both partners. Nakshatra is the name of to the ecliptic sectors in which the moon moves in it's orbit around the earth. There are 27 nakshatras, and their names are related to the constellations that are found within their sector.

The 27 nakshatras are divided into 9 Tara groups with three nakshatras in each. These 9 groups are Janam or Janma Tara, Sampat Tara, Vipat Tara, Kshem or Chhem Tara, Pratyari Tara, Sadhak Tara, Vadh Tara, Mitra Tara, and Ati-Mitra Tara.

Points are allocated by counting from the bride's birth star to that of the groom and then dividing this number by 9. The same is then done from the groom's birth star to that of the bride. If the remainders of both calculations are an even number, then the match is auspicious, and 3 points are awarded. If only 1 of the remainders were an even number, then 1.5 points are awarded. If both remainders were odd numbers, then no points are awarded.

Tara Chart

Tara Kundali Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Yoni

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 4 Gunas

Yoni matching indicates the physical and sexual compatibility between a couple. Animals represent yoni, and there are 14 different types with 2 nakshatras belonging to each:

• Ashwa or Horse - Ashwini, Shatabhishaj

• Gaja or Elephant - Bharani, Revati

• Mesha or Ram - Krittika, Pushya

• Sarpa or Serpent - Rohini, Mrigashira

• Swah or Dog - Ardra, Moola

• Marjarah or Tom/Cat - Punarvasu, Ashlesha

• Mushika or Rat - Magha, P. Phalguni

• Gau or Cow - U. Phalguni, U. Bhadrapada

• Mahisha or Buffalo - Hasta, Swati

• Vyagrah or Tiger - Chitra, Vishakha

• Mriga or Deer - Anuradha, Jyeshtha

• Vanara or Monkey - P. Asadha, Shravana

• Nakula or Mongoose - U. Asadha, Abhijit

• Singha or Lion - Dhanishtha, P. Bhadrapada

The behavior of each animal towards the others was decided by the ancient astrologers, and 5 behavioral categories were formed:

• Swabhava Yoni - Indicates that the animals are the same. Such marriage is considered to be auspicious. 4 points are given.

• Friendly Yoni - Indicates that the animals are friendly towards each other. 3 points are given.

• Neutral Yoni - Indicates that the animals are neutral towards each other. 2 points are given.

• Enemy Yoni - Indicates that the animals are enemies. 1 point is given.

• Sworn Enemy Yoni - Indicates that the animals are sworn, enemies. No points are given.

Yoni Chart

Yoni Behavioral Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Graha Maitri

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 5 Gunas

Graha Maitri matching is used to examine the strength of the love between the couple. This is achieved by comparing the moon's sign lords in the chart of the bride and groom. The relationship between the lords differ, and points are given according to their friendliness towards each other.

The points are awarded as follows:

• If two lords are the same or they are friends, 5 points are given.

• If one lord is friendly and the other is neutral, 4 points are given.

• If both lords are neutral, 3 points are given.

• If one lord is friendly but the other views them as an enemy, 1 point is given.

• If one lord is neutral but the other views them as an enemy, 1/2 a point is given.

• If both lords consider each other as enemies, no points are given.

Graha Maitri Chart

Graha Maitri Kundali Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Gana

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 6 Gunas

Gana is used to identify an individual's temperament. The nakshatra is broken down into 3 groups:

• Devata or Devine - Ashwini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Hasta, Swati, Anuradh, Sravanam, Revati

• Manushya or Human - Bharani, Rohini, Aardra, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Poorvaashadha, Uttaraashadha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada

• Rakshasa or Demon - Kritika, Aaslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishaka, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanista, Shatabhisha

Their temperaments are described as follows:

• Devata or Devine - Charitable, spiritual, represent piety and not materialistic.

• Manushya or Human - Evenly balanced between spiritual and materialistic.

• Rakshasa or Demon - Dominant, self-will and more materialistic than spiritual.

Points are given according to the compatibility of the temperaments of the bride and groom. Refer to the chart below.

Gana Chart

Gana Kundali Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Bhakoot

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 7 Gunas

Bhakoot or Rashikoot matching is used to verify the overall health, welfare, and prosperity after marriage. It is believed that Bhakoot Dosha can affect the intimacy between the couple and cause delays in pregnancy. With a maximum score of 7 points, this is the 2nd most important test and causes a lot of anxiety in couples. Bhakoot Dosha is based upon the distance or number counted from the bride's Rashi to the groom's Rashi and vice versa.

The following are possible combinations of distances:

• 1/1, 1/7, 2/12, 3/11,4/10, 5/9 and 6/8

These combinations are sorted into two groups, auspicious and inauspicious:

• Auspicious (Sad bhakoot): 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, 4/10

• Inauspicious (Dushta bhakoot) : 2/12, 5/9, 6/8

If the combination is 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, or 4/10, then 7 points are given. If the combination is 2/12, 5/9 or 6/8, then Bhakoot Dosha is formed, and no points are given.

Bhakoot Chart

Bhakoot Kundali Chart

Compatibility of Horoscopes - Matching Nadi

Maximum Possible Kundali Score: 8 Gunas

Nadi testing is to check the bride and groom's genetic compatibility to ensure they are capable of producing healthy children. Traditionally, the main purpose of marriage was to produce children and further the family lineage. As producing children was the main purpose of marriage, this kundali test provides a maximum score of 8 points, which is the highest of any Gun Milan tests.

For the Nadi test, the nakshatra is once again broken down into 3 groups:

• Adi or Vata - Ashwini, Aardra, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada

• Madhya or Pitta - Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvaashadha, Dhanistha, Uttara Bhadrapada

• Antya or Kapha - Kritika, Rohini, Aaslesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttaraashadha, Shravani, Revati

The rule for this test is simple in that the bride and groom should not have the same Nadi. If the couple has differing Nadis, then 8 points are given. If they have the same Nadi, then it is thought that any baby born to the couple will be unhealthy, and therefore, no points are given.

Yoni Chart

Nadi Kundali Chart

Gun Milan Exceptions

Some exceptions can be considered in each kundali test. For example, when testing Nadi, if the male and female are born in the same Rashi but possess different nakshatra and the groom's nakshatra is before the bride, then there is a Nadi Dosha exception. Another example is in the case of a Bhakoot Dosha; this can be removed if the lord of signs is friendly.

Where no exceptions can be found, remedies may be applied to lessen or remove the effects of the dosha. An example of a Nadi remedy is the chanting of Mahamrityunjaya mantras.

If your kundali results cause you problems, it is recommended to speak with a qualified astrologist. Many Gun Milan issues can be rectified and matches made.

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